Welcome to Tenerife horse rescue blog page

Here each Monday you can read up on our latest news, opinions, stories as blog posts. Written by our team, volunteers and helpers who have something important to say.

We will keep you up to date with horse rescue and animal news and stories. Some happy and some sad but always full of truth and written from the heart.

We are very passionate about what we do and what we believe in. So we enjoy sharing it all with you about our latest building updates or our new rescues that join our animal sanctuary.
You can read more about each animal on their personal profile on the meet the animals‘” page. Or sponsor them on our patreon page for behind the scenes updates.
Don’t forgot to keep up to date with pictures and fun videos. You can follow us on our instagram or tiktok account as well @Tenerifehorserescue


Do we ride our horses?

Horse riding. These are questions we get all of the time. What do we think about riding? Can we pay to go on an excursion? We […]

New Land update

You may have been wondering whats going on with the new land? Waiting for an update after our appeal. Anyone who has tried to get anything […]

The big changeover – human edition

Volunteering abroad When we started this project we didn’t know about “work away” and volunteering abroad. We didn’t know how important it would be to the […]

Posh holiday Poor holiday

Did anyone see Tenerife Horse Rescue\’s Debut on national uk TV yesterday? If not here is a glimpse of what you missed. Complete with TV twists, […]

Rescuing horses, what you can not see.

Thursday evening the phones go again from our regular helper. We know by now when he calls its because another horse urgently needs our help. We […]

12 years in the same cage

This was the case for 1 of our 2 new residents. 12 years in the same cage coming out only once every 2 months. The other […]

Positive Horsemanship – why use clicker training

Why use Clicker Training for rescue horses? Written for us by equine behaviour consultant Louisa Marais from TrulyTrust Equine. Why is it that certain equine rescue […]

We have an office!

Behinds the scenes at an animal sanctuary you can see a full team of volunteers in the office. People often ask me tips because they want […]

Remembering Aslan

Christmas eve was possibly the hardest day for me since I started this animal sanctuary. Loosing animals and making hard decisions comes with the job. But […]

Please no more horses…

We are full, sorry we can not help your horse…..This is a sentence that a horse sanctuary doesn\’t want to have to say. It is also […]

Getting emotional with tears and laughter. Day to day life at the finca


Workaway life changing experience

I first arrived at the finca in May 2019. I had no idea the impact that this place and the people who lived there, would have […]

Improvement of sustainable project as a volunteer

In five years of travelling and volunteering, Tenerife Horse Rescue is the first sustainable project I have revisited, and I am astounded at the transformation! In […]

Emergency land appeal


Let’s get Shanty walking again


Finca life, new Youtube reality series


The power of Patreon for horse welfare


Volunteering with us, a personal experience.

Tim\’s last day photo, saying good bye with vegetables. Tim was so good at organising the donations of food and the kitchen. Tim\’s last day photo, […]

Lockdown aftermath – how we have another newbie


Canary Green


Reducing Food Waste

I came here to volunteer five weeks ago and was told that the finca is freegan. Which means that we eat whatever is donated or food […]

The Rescue Horse – Healing From Inside Out

Rescue Horses – Healing From the Inside OutBy Tamara from Madrid – currently volunteering with us at Tenerife Horse Rescue.Every horse lover always has wondered how […]

Adventures in Manure Composting

Adventures in Manure CompostingI\’m Joanne and I\’m a volunteer here at Tenerife Horse Rescue. I\’m sort of from the UK, sort of from France but I […]

Where do we want to be this time next year?

While I write this blog on week 7 or 8 (does anyone really know) of lockdown… our first answer is, out of lockdown hopefully is where […]

Lockdown at Tenerife horse rescue


What’s the plan?

https://tenerifehorserescue.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/84872135_187614999155741_7982415917566918656_n.jpgEmma and her Sister at a Petting farm https://tenerifehorserescue.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/84288977_188211658911843_7742202004474167296_n.jpgEmmas mum with Emma and Harriet the goats With nothing on the land other than some broken rocks […]

Iggy man the 1st! – Start of our animal sanctuary

Who came first? The Winner of “who started it all” goes to the one and only Iggy pup! This scruffy little terrier is where it all […]

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