
Owner - Horse Fanatic
General Animal Crackers Chica
Emma, (32) from an animal loving family in the UK, grew up with animal friends instead of humans and an imaginary horse that looks like Shanti. A childhood spent rescuing bugs and frogs whilst begging parents for horse riding lessons. Grew up to study horsemanship, small animal veterinary nursing, animal first aid and various horse communication or barefoot short courses. With a lot of experience of being self-employed, from running a charity shop for a horse sanctuary in the UK, dog walking and dog training businesses and dancing. Because there has to be one interest that isn't covered in dog hair. All spare time is spent walking dogs or expanding knowledge on animal welfare and horses reading books and watching Youtube videos. Still has more animal friends than humans but has real horse friends and no longer imaginary ones!
A dream into reality!
"What we do at horse sanctuary is hugely necessary and incredibly rewarding. Large numbers of animals are used in Tenerife for agriculture and tourism. Then often find themselves unloved or neglected once their working use comes to an end. It’s a pleasure and a privilege for us to rescue, re-home and care for animals in need. But medicines and therapies are costly and in constant demand. And our need for feed, shelter and homing animals never ends.

Owner - Craftsman - Builder
Self Taught Farmer and Cowboy
Edo (34) from a small city in Italy having never had a pet before meeting Emma but always dreamed of retiring to a farm and living self sufficiently with a pack of dogs. After leaving school, developed a background in building, customer service, entertainment and having a natural skill for languages, speaking six of them. The couple met while Emma lived on a horse centre in Fuerteventura and Edo was on holiday. Bonding over their mutual dancing experience they worked with a stage show together for a year before starting to plan this project. Soon finding out that they had the perfect ingredients to develop it together. Edo realising his dream to have a farm far before retirement age, but the work has just begun.
"We’ve already learned so much from our adventure so far. We’ve learned to plan and register, then build up from nothing for us and our animal shelter. We’ve had to understand the business of fund-raising and running a charity. Solving problems by using solar-power and ecologically water systems. We’ve gained the help from generous local people and visitors to Tenerife. To create a team of people that work for the love of the animals and not for profit. Getting their hands dirty or by donating their hard-earned money when they can."
Here you will see an interview with Emma and Edo. You can see their backgrounds, their thoughts and plans for the future.
Emma and Edo may be the couple behind the project, but without their amazing team of volunteers they certainly couldn't do it alone. Here is some of our current team members that keep this place running and growing.

Our wonderful virtual volunteer

Emma’s mum AKA finca mum!
Andrea, Tommaso, Patrick & Rob

Part of the building dream team!

Manager of the small animals.
Jacob and Alex

Long termers with a passion!
Cymra and Bleu