Why sustainability?
Sustainability, the stepping stone of our future, holds unparalleled significance in shaping every aspect of our existence. To embark on this transformative journey, let us pause and begin from the very foundation. Sustainability entails meeting our present needs while safeguarding the ability of future generations to meet their own. It emphasizes the recognition of our finite resources, which, if not managed with care, could diminish and jeopardize the well-being of future inhabitants. With this understanding, we can embark on a path where sustainability becomes the compass guiding our choices and actions, steering us toward a future that is both prosperous and harmonious.
Sustainability is about fulfilling our current needs while ensuring that future generations can meet their own needs. It acknowledges the finite nature of our resources, which must be carefully managed within a yearly cycle. If we fail to exercise caution, these resources will deplete, putting the well-being of future generations at risk. To preserve their ability to thrive, we must be mindful of our consumption, ensuring we leave enough for the future. Now that we understand this fundamental concept, let's explore how and why we prioritize sustainability on the Finca.

In our sustainable practices on the Finca, everything begins with the question of "how." We take pride in our commitment to utilizing recycled materials as the cornerstone of our operations. Consider our homes, constructed from old pallets and wooden sheets, while sofas and beds find new life through recycling rather than being purchased anew. Even our kitchens are fashioned from these reclaimed materials. Every aspect of what we use or build embraces recycled resources, turning what may be seen as discarded items into a fountain of opportunities within our Finca.
Additionally, our water management system exemplifies our dedication to sustainability. Our intricate network of pipes is designed with precision, ensuring that clean water is allocated for essential cleaning purposes. Meanwhile, the relatively less pristine water undergoes a series of filtration processes. This recycled water, having been purified, is redirected through our own specially-built filtering systems to nourish our plants. It's a harmonious cycle that optimizes water usage, minimizing waste while ensuring the growth and vitality of our green spaces.
By embracing these sustainable practices, we reduce our environmental impact and foster a culture of resourcefulness and innovation. Repurposing materials and prioritizing recycling not only benefit the environment but also inspire creativity within our community. We are proud to showcase how "junk" becomes the very foundation for our sustainable journey, transforming what may have been overlooked into valuable opportunities for a more sustainable future on the Finca.

Why? Why are we sustainable?
Well, let's ask the people who started this whole project. Emma and Edo had contrasting upbringings when it came to their lifestyles. Emma was raised with a strong emphasis on recycling and purchasing second-hand clothing, instilling in her a deep understanding of sustainability. On the other hand, Edo grew up with a different perspective, not experiencing the benefits of these practices. However, recently Edo has had the opportunity to witness firsthand the positive impact that can be achieved through sustainable actions, leading him to change his entire path of life and become “the king of the bin”.

Embarking on this project, Edo developed a solid determination to contribute positively to the environment. Through this journey, he came to realise that a materialistic lifestyle is inherently unsustainable. This newfound understanding prompted Edo to deeply contemplate the impact of human actions on the environment, ultimately leading to a win-win situation for both nature and animals.
In their endeavour, Edo and Emma committed themselves to recycling and repurposing as many items discarded by the island's inhabitants. This approach ensured that waste received a second life, reducing the burden on the environment. By adopting this practice, they not only prevented the harmful consequences of dumping waste into the sea but also mitigated the detrimental effects caused by burying it in chemical-laden landfills.

Furthermore, by eliminating the need to allocate as many funds towards construction on the finca, Edo and Emma were able to direct their financial resources more towards the welfare of animals. The money saved was channelled into supporting and caring for the animals, contributing to their well-being allowing the charity to grow at a quicker rate and rescue even more animals.
In summary, Edo's realisation of the unsustainability of a materialistic lifestyle ignited a profound shift in his perspective. By recycling and repurposing waste, he and his team demonstrated a commitment to preserving the environment while simultaneously benefiting animal welfare. Their actions served as an effective solution to the detrimental effects of dumping waste into the sea or burying it in landfills, providing a tangible example of sustainable practices in action.