Day to day life at the finca has its big ups and big downs, its full of emotion. Happiness, sadness and laughter. This weeks episode shows this clearly with lows when we have sudden sad news about a finca family member. Followed with great highs, laughing at Edo when he demonstrates his unique way of fixing a water tank early hours of the morning.
We have recently started to document our story on youtube as an exciting youtube series. We are real, honest, un edited and un rehearsed. You can see us how we are and how our day to day lives at the finca go.
This episode is started with a mission clean up, its incredible in such a short time the place gets in such a mess. Chicken poo, rubbish, hay and broken bits of wood filling up our top feeding station. Mission clean up gets the boys to build us a brand new feeding station and you can watch how us girls clean it all out with the help of the horses. We speed it up to make it visually interesting and we look like we are on a game of the sims! With a great team even the most boring jobs are fun.
This is a sad but true fact. The worst part of being part of an animal sanctuary and working with animal rescue is saying goodbye. Its inevitable, most of our animals come to us towards the end of their time on this earth. We are happy to be a part of the last happy part of their lives, however it never gets any easier. Death is a very big part and always will be.
For anyone who has stayed at the finca in the last year or who has been inside our "office" will probably know cupcake the hamster. He may have been "just a hamster" as many people said, however he gave our office life. Cupcake the rescue hamster brought a laugh to boring office duties by stealing the paperwork and hiding it in his bed. Originally he came to live in our office/ bedroom/ house because he had a massive abscess caused from fighting with another hamster. Half of his body was infected and sore, we didn't think he would pull through but amazingly he did. After daily treatments cleaning the effected area he came out the other side as a Emma's personal office hamster. He didn't make it back to the big outdoor hamster enclosure, he remained the office hamster running around the office when the girls were working inside.
Running to people and begging for food, stealing it, hiding it and coming back for more. Confident and happy as a hamster could be. He passed away peacefully at the old age of around 5 years old. ( so we were told ) He had been with the previous owners for 2 1/2 years already a second owner. He then lived at the finca for over a year.
On this weeks episode you can see funny footage of him stealing paperwork, filling his cheeks with carrots and unfortunately followed by his final goodbye.
The final part of episode 3 is to leave you with a smile on your face. In true day to day finca style we find unique ways to fix problems. When there is a problem at the bottom of the full water tank, what better way to start the day, with a dip first thing in the morning, strip off and dive under the freezing cold water. Watch Edo wimper at the freezing cold stinky water as he prances around in his underwear questioning his life choices!
For now we will continue to film and document the making of Tenerife horse rescue and our day to day life on the finca. And invite you all to be a part of it and see where your kind donations go.
If you would like to donate to any of the causes you can via our how to donate page. To get an exclusive inside look at what we do here at the sanctuary you can click on this link.
"We are real, honest, un edited and un rehearsed. You can see us how we are and how our day to day lives at the finca go."