A Home for All
We started Tenerife Horse Rescue as a horse sanctuary, hence where the name came from. It was originally just me (Emma) and Edo and a big dream. We soon found out about volunteering schemes. We however did not know what an amazing impact it would have on the charity and what an amazing impact the charity would have on the people.
This place has grown more than we ever expected and some of the stories of our previous volunteers are heart-warming. We love to watch the people help the animals but we also love to watch the animals help the people. Whether their stay here helped them in their career or with their emotional/physical health the stories are amazing and we are forever humbled that these amazing people choose to come here and be part of the finca family.

Izzie- 29 - UK
My name is Izzie, and it’s safe to say that my time at Tenerife Horse Rescue completely changed my life in so many different ways. Professionally it put me back in alignment with my career path in the Not for Profit sector, enabling me to learn invaluable lessons about sustaining an NGO, make fantastic connections in the charity world and ultimately led to a paid internship for an international animal welfare charity after I left. But from a personal and emotional sense THR has enriched my life with a strengthened love and respect for animals, for the people who save them, and a developed understanding of living more in harmony with the earth to reduce waste and fight unnecessary greed. I also found so much love in the people around me, and made amazing friendships with people who were more like my tribe than anyone I had ever met before. And for me, my favourite part is that my journey with Tenerife Horse Rescue doesn’t feel like it’s come to an end. It feels like I had an introductory run, and now it’s just beginning.

Simon - 31 - Germany
I have learned to be mindful with the resources we have, to be a more sustainable person with food, building materials etc. I learned what it means to live in a community of many people, to be more extroverted and open with my thoughts and feelings, to understand my needs and the needs of others, the importance of being with people and being alone and creating a balance of that. I've found my passion and expression in string art and expressing myself through music on my handpan. I've learned to love myself and be the best version of me each day without pressuring myself. I learned to take live each day as it comes, be present in the moment and be open for being spontaneous.

Jana- Germany
For me it was the first time travelling alone and I couldn’t choose a better place than Tenerife Horse Rescue! Staying there already three years ago, it gave me everything to be the best Version of myself and built the base for many other volunteering adventures! To experience so much power, willingness and acceptance given to people, animals and nature is actually hard to put in words. It’s a pleasure to still follow the progress and see the place and the people growing! Greetings from Germany 🧡 Jana

Paulina - Chile
Tenerife horse rescue was the professional and life experience that I was looking for a long time. After I studied business and economics I was a little lost on what to do, because I didn't like my career and the work that "normally" you do with it, so I was eager to find experience in an NGO to do a job that contributes to this world, and Tenerife horse rescue exceeded my expectations. It's a place where they really trust that you are doing the best you can and where you can find a secure professional space to be proactive, create new ideas and make things happen! I learned so much from this experience at the same time that I was helping more than 400 animals. Also if you are curious of other areas of work, you would have the opportunity to experience maybe work with horses, small animals etc. Fully recommended!!

Kat - Germany
My experience as a volunteer at Tenerife Horse Rescue was life changing! Originally just looking for a cool place to stay over the winter I ended up falling in love with this project, living in a great community of like-minded people, working all together for the sake of the animals was an amazing experience. My stay there ended up being the love story of my life- apart from the love within the community and making unique friendships, I fall in love with my furry baby Ludo at the finca and adopted him. As if this wasn't enough I found the love of my life here, a fellow volunteer. The 3 of us are now living happily ever after in Italy. ❤️Emma and Edo created a unique place with an incredible energy, which I called home for not less than 1 1/2 years. I can recommend to volunteer at this place to everyone ❤️ (well, must love animals as they are literally everywhere). My Finca experience will always stay an important part of my life and I can't wait to come back visit.

Jacob- 20 UK
Hi, my name is Jacob and I’m a volunteer at Tenerife Horse Rescue.v I’ve been on the finca for just over a year now and have so much to write but I’ve been told to try and keep it short so here goes, I came to the finca when I was 18, definitely a little immature and so curious. So far that curiosity has led me down a path that has allowed me to learn how to cook, for myself and at least 50 volunteers, also how expand my knowledge of mechanics onto more technical things like drills, angle grinders and even jack hammers but most importantly it has led me to becoming an apprentice horse team member, this means I have been taught and am actively walking horses, preparing feeds, cleaning feet and most importantly learning how to care for and be amongst the horses. Constantly expanding my knowledge is just one of the added bonuses, let’s not forget that the finca also put my first dog Kali in my path and she has been alongside me every step of the way since I have never had a dog before and truly never know what all the fuss is about then I finally spent my first day with Kali as a puppy on the finca and since then I can truly say my life has improved so incredibly, from the mornings when she wakes up and comes for morning stretches, to when she has zoomies up and down the finca paths, never stopping for anyone. She has become the purpose in my life and I cannot thank the finca for giving me this, overall I can truly say the finca has taken me from a teenager with no purpose or hand on knowledge of animals or people to a man who is truly confident within himself and truly sees people and animals as they are, beings to be loved and cared for always to be thought about and never to be mean to. The finca will always have a place in my heart alongside Kali no matter where I am in the world. Jacob, ❤️

I came as a volunteer to Tenerife Horse Rescue after a long period of major depression. I was in isolation for months and basically in the darkest place of my life. But something inside of me wanted to give being alive one last chance so I decided to quiet my studies and to live in a community with animals.
I was hoping for what I found but I didn’t believe it could actually happen.
I felt like I belonged somewhere and loved for the first time in a long time. I experienced joy and pleasure again when I had forgotten what that feels like. This place has given me a home when I needed one the most and I don’t think any words will ever do it justice.
I am eternally grateful that I found this place or this place found me. It changed my life.
Finca family tattoo
3 years ago I got a tattoo of a barefoot hoof print, something very important to me but I did not expect what was to happen next.
Currently (October 2022 when written) 97 people have chosen to get this tattoo as a symbol of how much Tenerife Horse Rescue means to them. This has become the symbol in the finca family and it is truly beautiful to see how any people have been touched by this project so much that they have a tattoo on their body forever to remember it by. Many being their first tattoos.