He was brought to the island as Turbo, a very expensive high level jumping horse, he had a great career in jumping, he was well loved, well cared for and famous for his talent. He was sadly sold on to a less competitive home as he aged and ended up in a riding school teaching jumping. Rumour has it that he was too feisty and jumped out of the paddocks and ran away with students (we believe this as he still had this spirit until the very end) where the chain was lost and somehow he was abandoned.
Some years later a kind lady rescued him from skin and bones not knowing his past she called him William. She loved him, cared for him and brought him back to health and started a career in dressage ( he was around 19-20 here but with a lot to give) She had him for some years but thought it was to much for him and she already had other horses so gave him to someone so he could enjoy his old life as a hobby horse. Somehow the chain was lost again and he was left starving and fighting for his life for the second time.
This time he came to us in 2018 and to honour his past he is named Turbo Williams, sadly he was barely able to stand, we had to call the vet the first time he rolled thinking he wasn't going to make it up again, but he was in surprisingly good health for his weight and age other than a huge burst abscess right at the coronet band. His hoof was hardly attached when he came into our hands due to his lack of care and nutrition, but what was extremely sad was that he had a recent pair of shoes on. We only hope that this wasn't because he was being ridden. A tailored diet, correct trimming and 7 months without much movement his feet had made a full recovery as did he. He put on weight slowly but nicely.
At the beginning of his rehabilitation for fitness it was not looking promising, he had no fight for life anymore. We had to drag him around with luring carrots to get the smallest bit of movement from him but with time he accepted that hand walking was part of his life now and agreed to come as long as he had company, however very miserable. There were many times we didn't think he had the fight to get through. But he did and 4 years later the time came. But he enjoyed 4 amazing years without expectation. Full of freedom, love and happiness.
Turbo may have left us now, leaving a big hole in the finca. But we are all happy that he got to leave this world happy, on top form and still the boss of his paddock. He really is the most amazing character and the herd is not the same without him. Thank you all for supporting him and loving him. He will live on forever with us.
We can imagine you might want to know more about our point of view on animal euthanasia. You can find more information about it here.