This lovely feline friend is one of the two current Leukemia cage inhabitants. In this big enclosure, we keep our cats that have been tested positive for Leukemia. Unfortunately they have to be kept seperate from our other cats, because this disease is very contagious to other cats. Our volunteers, however, go into the enclosure to give these cats all the attention they deserve every day.
Leukemia (an infection with the feline leukemia virus, FeLV) is unfortunately uncurable. It can cause various blood disorders and can lead to immune deficiency which makes a cat susceptible to secundary infections. During the early stages of infection, it is common for cats to show no signs of disease at all, however, after months or even years, an infected cat’s health can detoriate quickly. Luckily, our sweet Karen is still doing really good at the moment, enjoying life and cuddles with our volunteers at our sanctuary.
If you can help towards the cause of our Leukemia cats, your donation would be greatly appreciated.