Explore insightful articles, newspaper features and videos that talk about the incredible story behind our animals, our volunteers and our special way of sustainable living. As we invite you behind the scenes, you'll discover the dedication of our team, the milestones of our furry residents, and the impact of our collective efforts. Join us in celebrating the beauty of animal rescue and sustainability.
You can read the articles by clicking on their title! ;)
German TV show shot here. Chelsea’s experience at the finca.
Diario de Avisos
“Piden ayuda urgente para la recuperación de Nala, una yegua de Tenerife que está en estado crítico” (November 20, 2023)
Spanish article on our fundraising for Nala.
ERASMUS in Tenerife
“Tenerife Horse Rescue: Saving Lives with Love” (October 20, 2023)
Erasmus in Tenerife visited us and published a blog about it.
Voglio Magazine
“Gaia: una vita intelligente e senza soldi a Tenerife per affrontare i “mali” del secolo” (September 20, 2023)
Italian magazine interviewed our social media manager Gaia.
Hest Magazine
“Rehabiliterer forsømte og mishandlede hester på Tenerife: – For meg gir det mer mening enn en vanlig job” (September 3, 2023)
Norwegian interview with our volunteer Marte.
The Green Tourist
“Duurzame uitstapjes in Tenerife” (August 01, 2023)
A Dutch website on sustainable tourism featured us in an article.
The Sun
“HOUSE THAT? I refused to pay high rent for a flat so I moved into a cave” (July 17, 2023)
Our volunteer Lola tells a bit about living in a cave.
Canarian Weekly
“Tenerife Horse Rescue challenge to support abused and abandoned animals.” (February 18, 2023)
An article on “The Animal March: 80 miles in March”
El Digital Sur
“Tenerife Horse Rescue organiza el mayor reto de apoyo a los animales maltratados y abandonados” (2022)
Spanish article on “The Animal March: 80 miles in March”
Pet Helpful
“Couple's Story of Starting an Animal Sanctuary in Tenerife Couldn't Be More Inspiring” (September 26, 2022)
El Bien Social
“Santuario de caballos Tenerife Horse Rescue: El km0 de la esperanza” (July 7, 2022)
“Pferdeschutzhof sucht dringend Investor” (Februari 21, 2022)
German article on our expansion plans for the finca.
Tenerife Weekly
“Tenerife Horse Rescue: where horses are born again” (February 14, 2022)
Diario de Avisos
“Tenerife Horse Rescue: donde los caballos vuelven a nacer” (February 14, 2022)
Spanish article on the finca and Emma and Edo.
El Digital Sur
“Tenerife Horse Rescue necesita inversores para salvar el futuro de animales rescatados” (February 2, 2022)
Canary Green
“Tenerife Horse Rescue – Sustainable non profit” (December 2021)
Canary Green published a blog of ours on their website, and came to visit us!
Tenerife Weekly
“The sanctuary of abandoned animals” (September 14, 2021)
An article sharing the stories of some of the rescue animals on our finca.
El Dia
“El santuario de los animales abandonados” (September 14, 2021)
Local new about Tenerife Horse Rescue
“¿Conoces la labor de Tenerife Horse Rescue?” (August 12, 2021)
Radio Televisión Canaria
“Tenerife Horse Rescue, una segunda oportunidad para los animals” (August 25, 2021)
RTV filmed an item at our sanctuary.
Daily Mail
“A wealthy pair of high-flying executives swapped their usual lavish holiday with a budget break volunteering at a local animal shelter on Rich Holiday, Poor Holiday.” (February 13, 2021)
British Tv show shot here.
“British rider’s bid to boost welfare in Tenerife” (May 10, 2020)
A short article on Emma and the rescue horses.
The Barefoot Horse Magazine
“Barefoot in Tenerife! Inspiring Animal Rescue challenging traditions of the local community” (2019)
Island Connections
“Horse Holidays hoedown” (September 4, 2019)
We’re planning our first charity fundraiser!
Island Connections
“Helfen Sie den Pferden” (May 15, 2019)
A german article on our finca.
Island Connections
“Help the Horses” (May 13, 2019)
A big article on our finca and the animals here.