MEET OUR Rabbits


Caravan Bunny


Sponsored by Cymra and Bleu

He loves going into Emma’s caravan and jumping on the bed which is where his name came from.

Name me Please

Would you like to have a Bunny but you can't?
Sponsor one!

Only 5 € / month and you can choose the name!

Name me Please

Would you like to have a Bunny but you can't?
Sponsor one!

Only 5 € / month and you can choose the name!

Name me Please

Would you like to have a Bunny but you can't?
Sponsor one!

Only 5 € / month and you can choose the name!

If you want to sponsor one, please send a WhatsApp message to +34 617097873

Write us which bunny is the lucky one and what name you choose. Please send a picture which proofs that you have set a monthly 5 Euro donation to us.
Account name: Refugio de Animales Horse Holidays Tenerife
IBAN: ES36 0081 0608 3800 0173 7577