Sirius Black


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He loves people and sit on their shoulders like a parrot



Sponsored by Emma’s mum

He is a guard chicken and lives in Emma’s closed in area as he attack the visitors



Sponsored by Emma’s Dad

He follows Engelburt and helps him attack people. Known lovingly by the volunteers as “an angry bird”

Name me please!

Only 5 € / month feeds a chicken and provides them safety, like an insurance

Sponsor one and you can choose the name! ;)

Only 5 € / month feeds a chicken and provides them safety, like an insurance

Sponsor one and you can choose the name! ;)

Name me please!

Only 5 € / month feeds a chicken and provides them safety, like an insurance

Sponsor one and you can choose the name! ;)

Name me please!

Only 5 € / month feeds a chicken and provides them safety, like an insurance

Sponsor one and you can choose the name! ;)

Name me please!

Only 5 € / month feeds a chicken and provides them safety, like an insurance

Sponsor one and you can choose the name! ;)

Name me please!

Only 5 € / month feeds a chicken and provides them safety, like an insurance

Sponsor one and you can choose the name! ;)

Name me please!

Only 5 € / month feeds a chicken and provides them safety, like an insurance

Sponsor one and you can choose the name! ;)

Name me please!

Only 5 € / month feeds a chicken and provides them safety, like an insurance

Sponsor one and you can choose the name! ;)

Name me please!

Only 5 € / month feeds a chicken and provides them safety, like an insurance

Sponsor one and you can choose the name! ;)